Personal & Corporate tax Returns

If you are filing your corporate taxes or your personal taxes, our professional tax associates will give you the best advice. They will ensure that you take advantage of all available tax breaks and file your taxes properly and on time. With E-file, from the day you file them, you can have your tax refunds as quickly as two weeks.

We know that it can become quite complicated and quite a hassle to manage personal taxes. You're busy enough now, as it is, and you don't need the added hassle of more documentation. As a result, you end up wasting hours after hours trying to calculate your own personal tax return and prepare it. Allow QRA to remove this load from your shoulders. Continue to live ... read more

Investment & Financial Planning

There is more to financial planning than a collection of transactions. It is a process that determines how you can best achieve your life goals through the proper management of your financial affairs.

At QRA, you have a unique freedom to offer objective, unbiased advice which means everything we do is client-focused, not transaction-focused.

The key to effective financial planning is the ability to take into account all important aspects of your financial situation and to identify and evaluate your unique objectives. Think of it as an ongoing life-long process, prioritizing and guiding your financial decision-making.. read more

Computerized Bookkeeping

One of the most cumbersome, confusing and stressful parts of running a business is the process of keeping accurate financial records. To do it properly, your books should be maintained on scheduled basis. This will ensure that you have the tools to make strategically sound business decisions based on accurate and current data. With today’s easily accessible technology, we are able to provide you with personalized support and insights you require to grow your more

Payroll Services

Payroll requirements and duties are difficult and time-consuming. We at QRA provide organizations with payroll services and we keep up to date on changes to legislation to ensure you stay compliant with all requirements. These services are provided on a weekly, quarterly and annual basis.

Payroll processes can be conducted with epic productivity and effectiveness through our creative and flexible method.


Start-up and Turnarounds

There are many complexities involved with developing a new business when you are a startup/emerging technology company.

At QRA FINANCIALS, our team provides ongoing support to startup companies like yours. We use realistic business techniques to solve problems and offer personalized tax, accounting,read more