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Investment & Financial Planning

There is more to financial planning than a collection of transactions. It is a process that determines how you can best achieve your life goals through the proper management of your financial affairs

At QRA, you have a unique freedom to offer objective, unbiased advice which means everything we do is client-focused, not transaction-focused.

The key to effective financial planning is the ability to take into account all important aspects of your financial situation and to identify and evaluate your unique objectives. Think of it as an ongoing life-long process, prioritizing and guiding your financial decision-making and imposing order on your financial life as you live it. A financial plan for you and your family creates a comprehensive and integrated roadmap as you travel through your life's.

Key Financial Planning Components

As your financial plan evolves it will concentrate on these main components:

  • Setting Financial Objectives

    A financial plan begins by knowing where you are now - an inventory of current financial assets and liabilities - and where you want to be in the future. How much do you need to set aside for the major purchases and events in your family's life, including your dreams for retirement? How do you finance your vision for your future? A financial plan helps you find the answers.

  • Financial Management

    This is much more than balancing a cheque book every month. It's a cash management program to deal with debt reduction as well as prioritizing and managing your revenue and expenses.

  • Insurance

    Securing yourself from the unexpected plays a crucial role in a complete financial plan. Your QRA advisor will help you consider other ways to plan for your financial future, including a wide array of insurance solutions that offer an additional layer of protection for you, your family or your business. From life insurance to long-term care, we assist in ensuring you are prepared for life’s unknowns.

  • Investment Planning

    Your investment strategies will change throughout your life, reflecting a shift in asset allocation and investment diversity according to your changing financial needs and risk tolerance as well as the inevitable market changes, tax laws of the government and economic conditions.

  • Tax Planning

    Effective tax planning requires understanding how to save, invest and spend while reducing your tax burden. For many, it begins with individual RRSPs and their children's TFSAs and RESPs. Down the road, more complex tax strategies come into play as estate planning goals dominate your financial plan.

  • Retirement Planning

    Whether you are early in your career, starting to contemplate retirement or already retired, we can help ensure you have the resources you need for the retirement lifestyle you want. We provide a wide variety of retirement planning services and savings options to assist with planning your retirement. In addition, we will assist you in creating your overall financial plan to achieve clear objectives through targeted tools, including individual pension plans, traditional RRSPs and TFSAs.

  • Estate Planning

    Successful estate planning requires both the right vehicles - such as trusts, wills and insurance - combined with the prudent selection, balance and placement of investments. By drawing from QRA' extensive array of tax, trust and financial planning expertise, your financial advisor can help ensure your wishes are implemented.

If Not Now, When?

A financial plan is about you, your family and the kind of future you want to build. The sooner you begin a plan the better, but everyone, no matter what age or stage in life, will benefit by the planning process. If you're not already working with a QRA advisor, we invite you to contact one or more in your area. We're sure that you'll find a financial professional who's right for you.